The Tupou College Strategic Plan for the period 2020 – 2024 covers the following major strategic goals:
- Governance – Future development of the College will be facilitated by changes to the governance structure within the College as well as within the broader FWC education system. These changes will enable greater flexibility in areas such as fee setting and management of resources. While there has been some initial exploration of these issues, significant work remains to be done. The next tasks include securing ap-proval for the new Governance model and the role of the Tupou College Council.
- Curriculum – Development of the curriculum in three (3) broad areas is advancing our ability to provide suitable pathways for the broad range of boys at the College. It will also enable us to further embed the con-cept of ‘no child left behind’ that has always been a major part of the educational philosophy of the College. Proposed actions include upgraded and expanded facilities that are more conducive to learn-ing and healthy living condition.
- Co-Curricula activities – The development of well-rounded men requires a range of co-curricular activities covering sport, mu-sic, farming, culture and important events. The College has traditionally performed strongly in these areas. Further work is required to identify strategies that maintain and further develop co-curricular activities, particularly with a wider range of students across the three broad areas of curriculum.
- Spiritual formation – Spiritual development of young men is fundamental to the mission of Tupou College. There is ongoing work to identify strategies that will maintain and further strengthen spiritual development. Areas cur-rently being examined include delivery of the mission of the Church, personal growth, faith formation, and character formation.
- Staff Development – The College currently has substantial number of Graduate Teachers, with possible future additions. Graduates without teaching qualifications will be enrolled in a Dip-Ed programme in New Zealand. Staff required for the International Program include qualified graduate teachers with additional over-seas teachers to be appointed.The skills and performance of staff will be strengthened through targeted scholarships, a salary review system, professional development requirements, performance appraisal (including organised audits), leadership training, succession planning for key staff and a recruitment plan for overseas teachers. Work in this area is ongoing.
- Facilities – Many of the existing facilities around the College require improvement to reach acceptable standards. There is also a need for additional facilities to support expanding activities such as the International Stream. The upgrading and expansion of facilities will be guided by a Master Plan that sets priorities for the next two, four and eight years. It will incorporate a Maintenance Plan with a structured schedule to prevent deterioration of established and new facilities.
- Student Services – As all students are boarders, the food and services provided by the College have a major impact on health and learning. Actions are required to significantly strengthen health and student services. Nutritious diet is a key component of the strategy to improve student health. It will partly be achieved by increased food production at the College through initiatives such as the College farm program also the Newington Food Bowl and Chinese Vegetables projects. There may also be a need to increase spending on food purchasing and preparation at the College.
- Boarding – As boarding is a key feature of the College, it is important to ensure that adequate attention is given to improvements in this area. Key tasks including facilities upgrades, health, student services and diet are covered in other sections of this paper. Action is also required to improve the supervision of boarding activities and to expand programs that address other issues in boarding.
- Toloa Community – Tupou College is a strong community and is also a prominent part of the broader Tongan community. It is important to develop strategies that maintain the links between students, staff, old boys and par-ents. Other key requirements include strengthening local community links and contributions. Strong connections to the Church are fundamental to the purpose, character and operation of the College.
- Finance – Additional staffing and facilities to support the proposed development of the College over the period 2020-2024 will increase the total annual cost of operation from $1,655,400 to $2,270,000. By 2024 costs will comprise salaries (60%), learning and teaching (10%), services and utilities (10%), improvements and maintenance (10%), general administration (6%) and contingencies (4%). It is proposed that revenue to cover the higher annual cost of operation will be obtained from school fees 30%, the FWC subsidy 30%, Government grants 30% and enterprises 10%. The affordability of fees is under continuing review.
Strategic Plan Document – click to download